Ramon y Cajal Research Fellow
Department of Genetics-ETSIAM
University of Cordoba
refseqR workshop [slides]
Invited speaker “CRISPR technology: a tribute to curiosity and attention”. Global Innovation Forum ECONATUR, Córdoba 18-19 NOV.
Oral presentation “Common computational operations with records on RefSeq collection”. III Congreso y XIV Jornadas de Usuarios de R, Sevilla 6-8 NOV. [slides]
Invited lecturer “Open data in the post-genomic era”. Closing Conference Graduation Master in Biotechnology, University of Cordoba, class 2021/22. 30 JUN.
Oral presentation “Asparagus Breeding Program in Córdoba (Spain)”. Session Genetics and Breeding. XV International Asparagus Symposium, June 12-15 2022.
Oral presentation “genehummus: Automatización computacional para el estudio de familias génicas basadas en la organización de los dominios conservados.”. XI Jornadas Usuarios R. Madrid. Nov 16, 2019.
Invited seminar “Museo del Prado, Lumière Brothers and Open Data in the Genomic Era”. Organized by PhD Students, University of Cordoba. Jun 7, 2019.
Invited seminar: “Regulación molecular de la biosíntesis de las antocianinas en arándano”, Instituto Andaluz de Investigación, Formación Agraria, Pesquera y Agroalimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Córdoba (Spain), February 23, 2017.
Invited seminar: “Regulación molecular de la biosíntesis de las antocianinas en arándano”, Seminarios Interdepartamentales Bioquímica, Biología Molecular, Genética. Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba (Spain), February 10, 2017.
Invited seminar: “Transparencia y buenas prácticas en experimentos qPCR”, Estación Experimental del Zaidín-CSIC, Granada (Spain), October 28, 2016.
Invited speaker at ‘4th qPCR & Digital PCR Congress´: “Quality Control and Technical Variance in plant qPCR analysis”, London, UK, October 20-21, 2016.
“Understanding anthocyanins molecular regulation in blueberry”, USDA, Genetic Improvement Fruits Vegetables Laboratory meeting, Beltsville (MD). March 9, 2016
Invited speaker at ´qPCR & Digital PCR Congress USA´: “Quality Control and Technical Variance in plant qPCR analysis”, San Diego (CA), June 25-26, 2015.
“Global patterns of protein abundance during the development of cold hardiness in blueberry”, USDA, Genetic Improvement Fruits Vegetables Laboratory meeting, Beltsville (MD). June 11, 2015.
Here I’ll post some material that I use in my lectures:
NOV 25 - DEC4, Córdoba, Spain.
Introduction to R programming for Data Science. 4th edition. 30h. University of Cordoba.
JUN 17 - 27, Córdoba, Spain.
Introduction to R programming for Data Science. 3rd edition. 30h. University of Cordoba.
APR 30, Córdoba, Spain.
Invited Lecture on ‘Big Data in Plant Genomics’. Course: ‘Biotechnology and Plant Breeding’- Master’s Degree in Agronomic Engineering. University of Cordoba.
DEC 10-20, Córdoba, Spain.
Introduction to R programming for Data Science. 2nd edition. 30h. University of Cordoba.
NOV 27-29, Córdoba, Spain.
Invited Lecture series on ‘Introduction to R programming for Data Science’’. 10h. Master’s Degree in Representation and Design in Engineering and Architecture. University of Cordoba.
JUL 9-13, Córdoba, Spain.
Introduction to R programming for Data Science. 1st edition. 30h. University of Cordoba.
MAY 25, Bethesda, MD.
Invited Lecture on Data Analysis, and Visualization for The City University of New York (CUNY). 2h. Visiting Bioinformaticians Program. National Center for Biotechnlogy Information.
APR 16, Córdoba, Spain.
Invited Lecture on ‘Molecular regulation of anthocyanins in blueberry’. - Master’s Degree in Plant Production, Protection and Improvement. University of Cordoba.
APR 12, Córdoba, Spain.
Invited Lecture on ‘Big Data in Plant Genomics’. Course: ‘Biotechnology and Plant Breeding’- Master’s Degree in Agronomic Engineering. University of Cordoba.
FEB 7, Córdoba, Spain.
Invited Lecture on ‘Big Data in Plant Genomics’. Course: ‘Molecular markers in Plant Breeding’- Master’s Degree in Biotechnology. University of Cordoba.
DEC 12, Córdoba, Spain.
Invited Lecture on ‘Fundamentals of real-time qPCR’. Course: ‘Marcadores Moleculares y su uso en Mejora Vegetal’. Master’s Degree in Plant Production, Protection and Improvement. University of Cordoba.
OCT 19, Córdoba, Spain.
Invited Lecture on ‘Big Data in Plant Genomics’. Course: ‘Marcadores Moleculares y su uso en Mejora Vegetal’. Master’s Degree in Plant Production, Protection and Improvement. University of Cordoba.
OCT 5, Córdoba, Spain.
Invited Lecture on ‘Big Data in Plant Genomics’. Course: ‘Big Data y Machine Learning. Agroalimentación, Agricultura y Montes 4.0’. University of Cordoba.