Ramon y Cajal Research Fellow
Department of Genetics-ETSIAM
University of Cordoba
2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 |
Workshop refseqR
Global Innovation Forum ECONATUR, Córdoba 18-19 NOV.
III Congreso y XIV Jornadas de Usuarios de R, Sevilla 6-8 NOV.
A brief overview of the work we do in our group in the local press : Usan herramientas de ADN para mejorar cultivos.
The journal Forest Ecology and Management just published our latest study. Here, we analyzed the distribution, diversity, and genetic structure of alder species in Spain, where the diploid Alnus glutinosa coexists with the tetraploid A. lusitanica. We report their geographic distribution, quantify local genetic diversity, and explore the presence of putative hybrids. Notably, no hybrids were detected, not even in the only population where both species co-occur. By combining chromosome counts, flow cytometry, and microsatellite markers (SSRs) analyses, we found that A. lusitanica is the most representative, widespread, and genetically variable alder species in Spain. A. glutinosa is restricted to the northeast of the country. The Ebro riverbank is a contact zone between A. lusitanica and A. glutinosa, yet no hybridization was detected. Special thanks to Dr. A. Martín, who led the investigation and organized the research team.
Direction of the Final Master Degree thesis “Desarrollo de metodología qPCR para identificación de plantas ´supermacho´ poliploides en espárrago” by Rafael Postigo Luque. Dept. Genetics, ETSIAM, University of Cordoba. SEP 26, 2023
Direction of the Final Master Degree thesis “Genomics tools for the analysis of flowering time in chickpea” by Ilaria Inserra. Dept. Genetics, ETSIAM, University of Cordoba. SEP 26, 2023
VII Congreso Científico de Investigadores Noveles (UCO). Rectorado Universidad de Córdoba, 14 diciembre. Programa.
Serving as Reviewer for the journal :
Phytopathologia Mediterranea
Direction of the Final Master Degree thesis “Characterization of candidate genes for flowering time in chickpea using a pair of Near-isogenic lines” by Adrián Pérez-Rial. Extraordinary MSc thesis Award. Dept. Genetics, ETSIAM, University of Cordoba.
Guijo-Rubio D., Vargas, V. M., Barbero-Gómez, J., Die, J. V., & González-Moreno, P. (2022). Hackathon en docencia: Aprendizaje Automático aplicado a Ciencias de la Vida. Revista de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes, 11(2), 19-37
Serving as Reviewer for the journal :
Invited closing conference Master in Biotechnology, University of Cordoba, class 2021/22 : “Open data in the post-genomic era”. 30 JUN.
Oral presentation “Asparagus Breeding Program in Córdoba (Spain)”. Session Genetics and Breeding. XV International Asparagus Symposium, June 12-15 2022.
Serving as Reviewer for the journal :
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Serving as Reviewer for the journal :
Joining the Editorial Board Member of the journal Horticulturae.
DEC 9-17. Cordoba. New edition of our course ‘Introduction to R programming for Data Science’. (30h). University of Cordoba. If you are interested in organize this course in your institution, please contact us
Serving as Reviewer for the journal :
Serving as Reviewer for the journal :
Direction of the Final Degree thesis “Aprendizaje supervisado para determinación de emergencia en maceta” by Rafael Postigo Luque. Dept. Genetics, ETSIAM, University of Cordoba.
Invited Panel Discussion : “Investiga, Publica y Twittea”. XI Encuentro Estudiantes de Doctorado. Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible - CSIC. Córdoba
Direction of the Final Master Degree thesis “Anotación estructural y funcional del cromosoma 4 de Cicer reticulatum “ by Alejandro Carmona Jiménez. Dept. Genetics, ETSIAM, University of Cordoba.
Hackathon Biodata UCO Awards.
Serving as Reviewer for the journal :
Serving as Reviewer for the journal :
Hackathon Biodata UCO. Proyecto de Innovación Docente de la Universidad de Córdoba (Ref: 2020-2-5003).
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellow of the week!
Serving as Reviewer for the journals :
Cytogenetic and Genome Research
Serving as Reviewer for the journals :
Serving as Reviewer for the journal BMC Plant Biology.
Serving as Reviewer for the Open Access journal : Sustainability.
Serving as Reviewer for the Open Access journals :
In our latest paper we found several mutations in highly conserved features of a blueberry MYB transcription factor that affect the regulation of the anthocyanin biosynthesis. You can read about it here.The paper was selected as the journal issue cover.
Serving as Reviewer for the journal BMC Plant Biology.
Serving as Reviewer for the journals :
Serving as a final degree thesis (TFG) defense committee member. ETSIAM, University of Cordoba. “Detección de la posible introgresión genética en una población de Castanea sativa Mill. en Galicia”. Undergraduate student : Mireya Salas Molina. JUN 25, 2020.
Serving as Reviewer for the journals :
Apr 21. Invited Lecturer. ‘Big Data in Plant Genomics’. Subject: ‘Biotechnology and Plant Breeding’ - Master’s Degree in Agronomic Engineering. University of Cordoba.
Serving as Reviewer for the journals :
Scientific Reports
Serving as Reviewer for the journals :
Serving as Reviewer for the journals :
Serving as PyCon Charlas Reviewer : PyCon Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. April 15-23, 2020.
NOV 25 - DEC 4. Cordoba. New edition of our course ‘Introduction to R programming for Data Science’. (30h). University of Cordoba. If you are interested in organize this course in your institution, please contact us
Serving as Reviewer for the journal : Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros (REEAP).
Serving as Reviewer for the Open Access journal : International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Invited speaker : Presentación paquete geneHummus : anotación automática de familias génicas. XI Jornadas de Usuarios R. NOV 14 - 16. Madrid, Spain.
Serving as Reviewer for the journals :
Serving as Reviewer for the journals :
Serving as Reviewer for the journal Genome
International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics. May 13-17, 2019. Dijon, France.
Serving as Reviewer for the journals :
APR 30, 2019
Lecture on ‘Big Data in Plant Genomics’. Course: ‘Biotechnology and Plant Breeding’- Master’s Degree in Agronomic Engineering. University of Cordoba.
Serving as Reviewer for the Open Access journal Molecules.
Serving as Reviewer for the Open Access journal International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Serving as Reviewer for the Open Access journal International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
Serving as Reviewer for PyCon 2019 Charlas. PYCON 2019, Cleveland, May 2019.
JAN 31 2019, Córdoba, Spain.
Molecular Breeding Group Lab Meeting. Seminar “Museo del Prado, Hermanos Lumière y Datos Abiertos en la Era Molecular”.
DEC 10-20, Córdoba, Spain.
Academic director and lecturer of the ‘Introduction to R programming for Data Science’. 2nd edition (30h). University of Cordoba. If you are interested in organize this course in your institution, please contact us.
DEC 5, Córdoba, Spain.
Co-direction of the final thesis “Genetic control of androsterility in celery” by Maria Jurado Cañas (Master Science degree). Dept. Genetics, ETSIAM, University of Cordoba.
NOV 27-29, Córdoba, Spain.
Lectures on ‘Introduction to R programming for Data Science’- Master’s Degree in Representation and Design in Engineering and Architecture. 9h. University of Cordoba.
Serving as Reviewer for the journal Genes.
OCT 22-23, Córdoba, Spain.
Invited speaker: “An automated pipeline to study plant gene families based on protein domain organization”. Jornada Científico-Técnica y VI Jornadas Asociación Española de Leguminosas (AEL).
OCT 18, Córdoba, Spain.
Co-direction of the final thesis “Identification and characterization of the superfamily ALDH in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) using bioinformatics open-based tools” by Rocio Carmona Molero (Master Science degree). Extraordinary MSc thesis Award. Dept. Genetics, ETSIAM, University of Cordoba.
SEP 5-7, Ancona, Italy.
XXIV National Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV).
AUG 27-31, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP 2018).
Serving as Reviewer for the Open Access Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science.
AUG 12-15, Orono, Maine, USA.
North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers Conference (NABREW 2018)
Serving as Reviewer for the Open Access journal Molecules.
JUL 9-13, Córdoba, Spain.
Serving as Reviewer of the final thesis “Evaluación de la resistencia a odio en Vicia faba” by Lucía García Castilla (Master Science degree). Dept. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Cordoba.
MAY 1-30, Bethesda (MD), USA.
Scientific Visitor Program, National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI-NIH).
MAY 12-15, Marrakech, Morocco.
7th International Food Legume Research Conference IFLRC-VII.
Talk Selection Committee “PyCon Charlas” PyCon US. Cleveland 2018.
Serving as Student Travel Award Committee for the American Phytopathological Society Foundation.
Serving as Reviewer for the journal Genes.
APR 16, Córdoba, Spain.
Lecture on ‘Molecular regulation of anthocyanins in blueberry’. - Master’s Degree in Plant Production, Protection and Improvement. University of Cordoba.
APR 12, Córdoba, Spain.
Lecture on ‘Big Data in Plant Genomics’. Course: ‘Biotechnology and Plant Breeding’- Master’s Degree in Agronomic Engineering. University of Cordoba.
FEB 7, Córdoba, Spain.
Lecture on ‘Big Data in Plant Genomics’. Course: ‘Molecular markers in Plant Breeding’- Master’s Degree in Biotechnology. University of Cordoba.
Serving as Reviewer for the journal Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.
JAN 13-17, San Diego, CA, USA.
Plant & Animal Genome Conference PAG XXVI.
DEC 18-22, Valencia, Spain.
Course ‘NGS sequence analysis’. COMAV.
Serving as Reviewer for the Open Access journal Methods and Protocols.
DEC 18, Córdoba, Spain.
Co-direction of the final thesis “Caracterización del QTLAR3 para resistencia a rabia en garbanzo (Cicer arietinum L.)” by Julián García Muñoz (Master Science degree). Dept. Genetics, ETSIAM, University of Cordoba.
DEC 12, Córdoba, Spain.
Lecture on ‘Fundamentals of real-time qPCR’. Course: ‘Marcadores Moleculares y su uso en Mejora Vegetal’. Master’s Degree in Plant Production, Protection and Improvement. University of Cordoba. Building C4-B5. 6-7pm.
OCT 19, Córdoba, Spain.
Lecture on ‘Big Data en Genómica de Plantas’. Course: ‘Marcadores Moleculares y su uso en Mejora Vegetal’. Master’s Degree in Plant Production, Protection and Improvement. University of Cordoba.
OCT 5, Córdoba, Spain.
Seminar ‘Big Data en Genómica de Plantas’. Course: ‘Big Data y Machine Learning. Agroalimentación, Agricultura y Montes 4.0’. University of Cordoba.
SEPT 25, Córdoba, Spain.
Co-direction of the final thesis “Búsqueda de marcadores ligados al gen de la androesterilidad en apio” by María Jurado Cañas (Bachelor degree). Dept. Genetics, ETSIAM, University of Cordoba.
SEPT 18-22, Siofok, Hungary.
8th International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICGL2017).
Serving as Student Travel Award Committee for the American Phytopathological Society Foundation.
FEB 23, Córdoba (Spain)
Invited seminar: “Regulación molecular de la biosíntesis de las antocianinas en arándano”, Ansalusian Institute of Agrarian Research and Training, Fisheries, Food and Organic Production.
FEB 10, Córdoba (Spain)
Invited seminar: “Regulación molecular de la biosíntesis de las antocianinas en arándano”, Seminarios Interdepartamentales Bioquímica, Biología Molecular y Genética. University of Cordoba.
OCT 28, Granada (Spain)
Invited seminar: “Transparencia y buenas prácticas en experimentos qPCR”, Estación Experimental del Zaidín-CSIC.
OCT 20-21, London (UK)
Invited speaker: “Quality Control and Technical Variance in plant qPCR analysis”, 4th qPCR & Digital PCR Congress.
SUMMER 2016, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD (US)
Mentorship and supervision to Luis Antonio Delgado (University of California, Riverside).
AUG 8-11, Atlanta, GA (US)
American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) annual meeting.
Serving as Reviewer for the journal PlosOne.
JULY 2016
Serving as Reviewer for the journal Scientific Reports.
Advisory Panel for the 2nd qPCR & Digital PCR Congress USA. JUL 11-12, Philadelphia, PA.
Serving as Student Travel Award Committee for the American Phytopathological Society Foundation.
GIFVL meeting. Seminar: “Understanding the molecular regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis in blueberry”, March 9.
Serving as External Expert Reviewer for grants panel. National Science Centre, Poland.
SEP 28, Bethesda, MD (US)
Presenting Data & Information Course by Edward Tufte.
SUMMER 2015, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD (US)
Mentorship and supervision to Andrea Irizarry (Inter American University of Puerto Rico).
JUN 25-26, San Diego, CA (US)
Session Chairman “Plant, Food and Environmental Case Studies”. qPCR & Digital PCR Congress USA.
JUN 25-26, San Diego, CA (US)
Invited speaker: “Quality control and Technical Variance in plant qPCR analysis”. qPCR & Digital PCR Congress USA.
JUN 11, Beltsville, MD (US)
GIFVL meeting. Seminar: “Global patterns of protein abundance during the development of cold hardiness in blueberry”
JUN 4, Córdoba (Spain)
Report as External Referee on the PhD Thesis presented in the University of Cordoba. “Suitability of summer squash cultivars to be processed as fresh-cut products”. PhD candidate: María Teresa Blanco Díaz.
JAN 14, Almeria (Spain)
Serving as a PhD final defense committee member. University of Almeria. “Nuevos recursos para la mejora genética de la especie Cucurbita pepo: colección de mutantes y plataforma de selección TILLING”. PhD candidate: Nelly Vicente Dólera.
AUG 23, Deadline for Free access link:
Elucidating cold acclimation pathway in blueberry by transcriptome profiling, Die and Rowland (2014).
AUG 21-22, Laurel, MD (US)
31th MAPMBS Conference
JUNE 23-26, Atlantic City, NJ (US)
12th North American Blueberry Research and Extension Workers (NABREW) Conference
AUG 15-16, Laurel, MD (US)
30th MAPMBS Conference
MAR 14, Beltsville (US)
GIFVL meeting. Seminar: “Quality controls in qPCR”
AUG 16-17, Laurel, MD (US)
29th MAPMBS Conference
APR 16-20, Almería (Spain)
XIII Congreso Nacional Ciencias Hortícolas (SECH)