The following analysis corresponds to the genome annotation of the reference genome Aspof.V1 (NCBI), submitted by the University of Georgia in 2017. Full genome sequences are also available in Bioconductor.
Summarize of features feature n
1 exon 292566
2 CDS 221765
3 mRNA 36763
4 gene 30689
5 cDNA_match 12568
6 region 11792
7 lnc_RNA 5760
8 transcript 2636
9 pseudogene 1548
10 tRNA 494
11 match 10
# A tibble: 10 × 3
# Groups: seqname [10]
seqname feature n
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 NC_033794.1 gene 3606
2 NC_033795.1 gene 2276
3 NC_033796.1 gene 3322
4 NC_033797.1 gene 3479
5 NC_033798.1 gene 3588
6 NC_033799.1 gene 2026
7 NC_033800.1 gene 3980
8 NC_033801.1 gene 3554
9 NC_033802.1 gene 1544
10 NC_033803.1 gene 1842
In A. officinalis, the average number of genes every 1 Mb over the whole genome is 31.
chr | n.genes |
chr3 | 35 |
chr5 | 33 |
chr1 | 32 |
chr8 | 32 |
chr2 | 31 |
chr7 | 31 |
chr6 | 30 |
chr10 | 29 |
chr4 | 27 |
chr9 | 27 |
Collection of packages, scripts and data related to our research on Asparagus officinalis at Dept. Genetics - ETSIAM, University of Córdoba.